Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gauntlet Week!

Adrianna & I!

Carey Hall

Yay! :)

Polka Dots!! =D

Closet Space

Wow! I can't believe I'm in TEXAS! That still completely blows my mind. :) I got to sneak out of my dorm for a bit (corporate exercise was cancelled tomorrow morning) so I'm able to give you all a quick update.

This weekend has been such a time of healing for me. God has awakened passions and dreams that I NEVER thought I would ever even think about again. For about the past four years...and having gone through an abusive relationship, I kind of put my passion for music on the back burner....but then forgot about it completely. At the beginning of the year, I started singing again with the Hamilton Life Church Worship Band (& it has been SUCH a blessing!) and started picking guitar back up over the summer. Even then I really didn't think about pursuing it though, as I kept thinking that I wasn't good enough. Over this weekend, God has totally opened my eyes to the fact, that I HAVE been blessed with a gift, and that I need to share it. The quote from Erma Bombeck comes to mind:

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me".

Is this how I have been living my life?? I have somehow come to the conclusion that just because I can't lead worship like Matt Redman or some Hillsong group, that I am not "good enough". But God is completely changing how I view that. He has placed in my heart a passion for music and just because it gets hard or people don't respond the way I want them doesn't mean I should quit! He has gifted me with a voice & the talents for playing guitar and piano...but that was always hard for me to admit. It almost felt that it I were to admit that, it would be as if I were saying "look at me, I'm gifted....or "I'm better than you." But its not (unless of course, I were to boast ALL the time). Then you might want to knock me upside the head and let me know I'm out of place. =p Haha j/k, j/k! And so what if I'm not the best at whatever instrument....that's why you give your 200% and practice! ;) Everyone has to start somewhere!

Sooooo, they called for last minute sign ups to audition for the School of Worship. The School of Worship is a track here at the Honor includes a full year of lessons for an instrument of your choice, classes like song writing, music theory, worship perspectives, & worship leadership.
My audition was this morning at 11:15....and I made it into the program!! =D God is SO, I cannot even begin to describe how overwhelmed my heart is at this moment...just when I thought that it couldn't get any better...God totally stepped in and has awakened my passion for music...for worship. I'm so humbled when I look back at where I was less than a year ago. Living with my boyfriend in an abusive situation...totally living a life of sin. God somehow saw good in me and turned everything around. I do not deserve the love that He just continually is pouring out on me in this season of my life, and it just brings me to my knees every single time I think about it. If there was one thing I would want people to know is that it is NEVER too late for God to step in and turn things around. He LOVES you...and you are His child. He only wants the BEST for your life.

Anyways...The School of Worship is an extra $1800 a year. It seems like such a huge amount to have to raise considering I don't have a job...but I've been making my way through the Gospels...and if the same miracle worker in the bible could feed five thousand with five loaves and two fish....heal the blind...turn water into wine...heal the lepers...and calm the raging sea...and he is the same yesterday, today, and FOREVER...then who am I to doubt that he will pull through for His child? Whom he wants the best for. I KNOW I can't do this...but God will make it happen. He somehow, someway....brought me to Garden Honor Academy...and provided an opportunity I never thought I would ever have again...and audition for the School of Worship. I KNOW that this is where I am supposed to be. I know because I have a passion burning inside me that I can't explain. Its like a fire....and I am literally overjoyed!!!

I love and miss you guys!
Thanks for all the pictures and scriptures...its been extremely encouraging! =D


P.S. Be in prayer...we have our first exam tomorrow as well as our commitment banquet and then we will be told our ministry placements.

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