Friday, August 6, 2010

"This is 600 people who passionately wanna know HIM."

"This is 600 people who passionately wanna know HIM." - David Hasz (in regards to Honor Academy)

I believe that this is the part of the upcoming year that excites me the most. My entire life, I've been told that I am "different". I have always been known as a "goody, goody"...Which is something I always used to get frustrated with. Being raised in the church and being home schooled, people kind of gathered assumptions that I was "sheltered" my entire life -that I just believed what I was taught to believe. This couldn't be further from the truth.

Even in my "rebel" phase, when I turned my back on "wild child side" wasn't that "wild". I still didn't care to take part in drinking....tried it a few times, wasn't worth it. Never smoked anything, never tried any drugs. It just wasn't something I was into. THAT'S JUST ME.
I was tired of being "different" and "mature for my age". I tried conforming to the world's standards...& I got two words for ya...EPIC FAIL.

As I found my way back to Christ, I noticed that those desires to be accepted by the world, slowly faded to the background. When people ask me why I don't have ANYTHING to do with those activities I simply say "its just not my thing." Then...they try to pin it on my "religion".

That's just the thing though. I wish more people understood what its REALLY like to be a "Christian"....its not going to church on Sunday mornings because you feel like you HAVE to. Its not following the Ten Commandments because God said so.... & its not restraining from certain activities because if you don't, you'll go to hell. That's not what its like at all.

I am in love with the Lord!! I can't say that with a big enough smile on my face. =D

When you "love" somebody...there isn't anything you wouldn't do for that person, right? Well that is exactly why I am the way I am! I WANT to please my Saviour!! Sure, the bible is very clear on guidelines...but we, as humans, have a thing called "free will"...which allows us to CHOOSE to please the Lord or not. And personally? I want nothing more than to allow my heart to fall more and more in love with the Lord each and every day!

So now, when I get criticized for being the only one who won't participate...I choose to find joy in that. Especially lately...I've taken A LOT of heat for Honor Academy's guidelines (which are placed there for a reason!). Its extremely hard not to take it personally...but I have to think about where they are coming from in their life and imagine myself in their shoes. Christianity today has become well-known for being judgmental and hypocritical...because we put too much emphasis on rules and regulations!

Do I believe that we should take every single word of the bible to heart? Absolutely.
But I think we leave out the most important thing sometimes...a RELATIONSHIP with HIM.
God doesn't want you to do things (or not do things) because you HAVE to...he wants your LOVE. Think about it: If your significant other brought home flowers EVERY DAY....for two whole years - don't you think the idea of bringing someone flowers would kind of lose its meaning? They would be just flowers! Now relate it to how the Lord takes your actions: Are you doing it (or not) because its expected of you? Or are you really doing out of a passion to please the Lord? =/

Anyways, I'm wayyyyy off track now. Funny how that works. =p
I was just going to say that I am excited about being SURROUNDED by friends who are after the same thing I am : Wanting to passionately know Jesus! I have had a really hard time finding people I can relate to in this world...who are MY age. Its a rare thing to find! This next year is going to be such a memorable year and I can't wait to meet my many brothers and sisters in Christ and finally be surrounded with like-minded friends!!!

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